Is this just complete bullshit or is there actually some science behind deep freezing your pickups?
What Happens During The Cryogenic Process?
When a metal is subjected to these low temperatures, the material experiences a change at the molecular level, whereby its’ structure undergoes a realignment.
How Cryogenics Will Improve Your Sound?
You Will certainly hear the difference, because, the metal once treated allows a more uniform flow of electrons, the "lifeblood" of all modern music production. The improved signal generation and signal path, inevitably has a positive effect on your sound, creating a cleaner tone across the musical range.
I'm a believer. Admittedly my sample size was small. But to my ears the cyro tubes had more pleasant harmonics, less noise and just that wee bit sweeter. More musical you could say.
Bah, I was just going to put my order down for some normal JJs. Being the magpie I am I'm considering going for some of these Watford's. £44.10 for two cryo'd Winged Cs is pretty pricey though, although I think they're expensive anyway.
Put it this way, there is science behind the voodoo. The same treatment is used on shit that go into space, engine components, I think its done for gas turbine parts as well
It's always exciting to see cryogenics the topic of debate, and opinions as always tending to be polarised. The problem cryogenics has is
a lack of understanding. Cryogenic Treatment is like anything else until it reaches a wide audience and its’ benefits are accepted then the process will
always’ be greeted with scepticism and labelled as something akin to snake oil, and since it is viewed as such, buyers lack the confidence
to invest. The perfect catch 22. Reading these posts actually proves the point without wider audience backing, would you buy into the idea of freezing a valve
to improve its’ output?
We have tried very hard to present adequate information on our cryo info page (which has a link in the opening thread, and many thanks to you for that), but
realise that some may feel it lacks academic weight, I understand those concerns but the aim of the page is to make the core principle accessible to all, and at the
same time retaining our intellectual advantage.
Now to pricing issues. Chiller Tone believes in no hidden extras, the price displayed on the product page is the price you pay. It would be easy to draw you in, take
you down the form filling road then hit you with post & pack etc etc. but this harks back to the whole snake oil thing, for cryogenics to take off we believe that
honesty is key, honesty in the claims made for cryogenics backed up by transparent pricing.
If you were keen to try cryogenic treated parts but unsure about the work and investment then a good introduction to would be to try our cryo treated cables.
Just as a final comment cryogenics is B**L S**T!!. Nah!! because we really wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of setting up for what would be only short term gain
before being exposed!!
Please Visit our site, drop an e-mail, post your comments, etc
all feedback is welcome, good and bad.
When your ready we'll be waiting to take your order
Please understand it wasn't intended as a slight on your business, more a lack of understanding on my behalf. There is a lot of snake oil / mojo what not about nowadays.
Is there any chance of getting some A/B test videos with treated and non-treated pickups/ cables etc?
I just think Watford Valves are an old school mailorder business who used to get their trade from an advert in the back of Guitarist and haven't adapted well to the internet.
I've heard pretty bad stories about their customer service to be honest which is a shame because they have some good ideas (selection packs of valves for certain amps, ditto speakers etc)