But then I opened her up and found out it's been refined and molested with a chisel. Used to be Hagstrom blue (or whatever that's called.) I always suspected it had been refinished, though these did come in black and the job was pretty good, there was just something odd about it...
Well, with the inevitable sale of the Cyclone II, I dont wanna have two black guitars so...
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total
Doog wrote:"And every day after high school, the young Kurt would sit down with his soldering iron and oscilloscope, to work on what come to be known as the Boss DS-1, the world's first guitar distortion pedal."
Yeah black guard, also has chrome pup covers and a kill switch in the top horn now. I think it's gonna look pretty good.
Jim, that term arm worked a charm, I reshaped it with some sandpaper a bit but you da king!
Soon as I figure out what you need that I haves, Ima send you a little something, something.
Cause you're a fucking champ!
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total
glad it worked out.
depending upon work i may end up in montreal for a week next month to visit steve so, i'm always happy with a six pack of whatever is cheap
hotrodperlmutter wrote:fuck yeah dude, that looks the tits.
Heheh. I just noticed your comment.
Paint fumes be cloudin'...
I actually thought to myself: "Hotrod gonna like this." when I was buying the paint at the hardware store.
Love IRL Shortscale crossovers! Scheme's kinda Frusciante'd. I know you like that shit.
Well, in that one video with the Toronado...
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total
Yeah, that's about the only thing my camera's good at doing. Portraying colours realistically.
The guitar's pretty much the same colour as in the pic.
I've been not very good at waiting and have handled the guitar a couple times since I took that pic.
The consistency of the paint is like cake icing. So I left a couple fingerprints on the thing...
otherwise, it's kinda okay. Not the best refin in the world but about as good as you can get with a couple cans of Krylon and a balcony rig.... Unless you're Astro.
Looks good from far but far from good.
Spiral staircases are a staple of Montreal architecture. They're everywhere.
They are sweet to have but HORRIBLE to move up into.
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total
I wish my hagstrom was molested. Then I could refinish it (boo stock sunburst and some insignificant laquer chips on the back of the neck) and keep it for ever and ever. Coincidentally, black would be high on the shortlist if I had that option. As it is, having survived more than 40 years with an extremely clean original finish I'd be a jerk to remove it. I'm very tempted to try and buy another some time down the line and mod it a little. It's my favourite guitar at the moment.
Cant wait to see more pics, should be a cool little project.
I think Krylon Pumpkin Orange is between Fender's Capri Orange and Orange Tangerine...
It seems pretty close to what they're painting the RI Dano Hornets with.
Though less glossy, like.
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total
Ew, bro. How the heck did I not see this tread when you posted it?
So the placentacaster ended up splitting to pieces? That is bullshit, did the guy end up charging you for the work anyway?
Infinitely thankful that didn't happen with the Hag. I guess sometimes it's worth putting in the elbow grease to sand stuff down...
Oh, and happy surprise: once I sanded it down, noticed the Hag was just 2 pieces.
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total