I decided to save some of the photos of the Mustang copys. I will post them here:
El Maya "Artist Model". Silver sparkle w/black stripe + black guard:
Fernandes. Blue w/blue stripe + white guard:
Fernandes. White + brown tort:
Fresher "Mercury". White + white guard:
Gibbon. Black + pearl guard:
Guitars.R.Us. Genoa Blue + pearl "square" guard:
Guitars.R.Us. Wedgwood blue + Pearl guard:
Hisonus "Excellent Guitar". White + Tort:
Navigator "Esparto". V White + tort:
Thunder "Super Sounds". Blue w/white stripe + pearl guard:
Watson "Electric Guitar". Natural + Black guard:
Westminster "Electric Guitar". Sunburst + pearl guard:
I think they're pretty interesting. The "Guitar.r.us" ones have Fender parts? Real fender parts? GOLD MUSTANG PARTS. Also what is with the weird square pearl guard, very strange.