I need some for my new guitar. The last ones I got on my old guitar were Earthwood Bronze. Not sure what gauge but they felt light, i liked that. The ones on this new guitar sound good but feel quite tight. There are loads of brands though, I want something that will last a bit.
Yh Nanowebs are great for if you sweat loads, I used to go through a set of strings per 3 hour band practice, now I use the same set for around 3 practices and a gig.
I usually put Elixer 11 gauge nanowebs on my little sisters acoustic. Easy playing, good sound, last a good while. I put a set of 10 gauge polyweb strings on my 47 gibson because the top is about to pry itself off wish i could go heavier but i dare not. I usually prefer the polyweb 12s
Only 12s instead of 11s. I've been through quite a few different sets on my acoustic and electric but always go back to Dean's for string life and tone.