i'm not a drummer, i don't have my own drumkit, but i play drums, without being a drummer lol it's me, an old friend from high school and a friend of his, it's improvisation so i don't stress over practice and just do my stuff and whatever's fun, it's funny, and loud, we try to be cool as lightning bolt but fail. he was a friend in high school who'd been playing drums for 5 years, i learned to play bass, then guitar, and started out jamming with him playing drums back then..weird to think we've come all this way for me to use his drumkit from back then (pearl something, not forum but export ?) but with similar setup just low and no high tom tom, i hate drumkits with two tom toms, it looks gay.
but i don't know crap about them, as long as the cymbals are loud and harsh not pretty clean crisp sounding (hi hats) and there's no piccolo snare or two tom toms i will get behind it and impress you with my lack of coordination and lack of playing dynamics hahaha
i love this site, i love the look of drumkits, more sexy than guitars.
a while ago i saw a red sparkle gretsch with 24" bassdrum..i went into that store so often, and i could've gotten it, but i don't want to ditch in in antwerp where we play and at home there's no room, and i don't have a car. so i just bum a drumkit off my friend.
this is the 24" gretsch from the store
but as i said, i can't justify it, nor do i have the space, and the pearl export works just fine and has a lot of memories stuck on it too