Excellent. I was worried that it might have been glued on or something. The tweed looks cool, but the amp would look menacing as fuck with black cloth.
i've just getting fucked off with the tweed again. I get that nice thick rich clean fender tone when i'm at home and it's in the corner of my room. Get to practice, turn it up and it turns into a fucking treble fest. I have to run it at full bass and mids and fuck all treble and it's still quite bright, wether i use my tele or my strat. aint worth buying a jag if i'm gonna end up with the same problem. i did think off closing off the back of the amp, but then it might overheat.
I was gonna use the 2x10 with the tweed, but it looks silly carting that when the tweed is a combo anyway. So i thought have a pop at the line 6, as that sounded quite consistant up the volume dial. then i might be able to think about the jag.
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic
Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
Marshall MG10 Combo
sorry everyone, i'm in one of those ruts again. i always then feel i'll be able to sort out said rut by spending money on gear that i don't really need.
sorry for the thread hi-jack hurb.
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic
Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
Marshall MG10 Combo
mezzio13 wrote:I've had my Spider for two years now, and am nothing but happy with it. Great demo Hurb.
cheers mez. I think I am going to need to get the footswitch for this amp. I really like the overdrive too now!
Progrockabuse wrote:
sorry for the thread hi-jack hurb.
Not at all mate!
IMO I think if you are not happy with your setup you should change it. You have a lifetime to get all the gear you ever want. and your a serious musician who can play, and make money from your craft (I assume I don't know that for sure actually) so if you want a new amp get one but get shot of the tweed if your not happy.
Plus you have that super awesome signed picture of yourself man....make your own rules!
right, so at the moment i've got 4 schools of thought.
1: spend money on new speaker and new tubes, maybe have amp serviced/biased and make a baffle for the back. Unsure on cost.
2: spend £150 on a line 6 head to use with my 2x10 and see how it goes. If i like it more than my tweed, then bye bye tweed. If i don't like it, flog it and then spend proceeds on tweaking the tweed.
3: sell tweed and buy that cheap vintage modern that i should of fucking brought and not moaned about.
4: just chant "i love ice pick tonez, i love ice pick tonez"
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic
Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
Marshall MG10 Combo
I think you should see if you can borrow a Line 6 spider and see if it works for you and your setup. If it does get one. I wouldn't buy one new though. get on ebay.