Goots - funnily enough that video inspired me to do a deep scalloped neck. Last christmas it snowed like buggary herer and I basicly got 3 days off work because of it so spent the whole time hand scalloping a chepo neck. Pics bomb soon.
Cheers for the votes guys - The body is a little longer and non standard tele so having cut out pickguard shapes the balancing is a bit different and I'm not convinced a couple of my original designs will sit right with it - got photos for further votes when I get em uploaded.
HotRod - I've got a set of Rockinger tele sitar bridge saddles for this -
I'm unlikely to do the whole sympathetic strings thing as I don't really want to spend any more cash on this project - plus I've heard they don't do much more than add natural reverb on this kind of configuration. You have an el;ectric sitar ye? How do you find the symp strings work on that? On real sitars where they are under the strings and run from the same bridge so they resonate much louder and droney or so I've read....
As I say i kinda evisioned having a sustainer so you could be holding a bass note whilst doing melodies over the top to get a similar trippy vibe but cost stops me.