Behold Shortscale: THE TOWER OF POWER

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Behold Shortscale: THE TOWER OF POWER

Post by benecol »


Look upon my amps, ye Mighty, and despair. With a combined power output of nine watts, you should be very afraid.

Took a trip (and some cash, which I nearly forgot to give him) over to see James this afternoon (thus also handily fulfilling the prophecy that there should be some sort of meetup on 08/09/10) to buy the Vibrochamp back from him. The auguries were good: I found James's house without any help, and James successfully plugged in two pedals without the National Grid being scrambled.

Plumbed the Vibrochamp in this evening after tea, and it's just lovely. I'm a sucker for tremolo, and I could just sit and listen to it chomp away for hours. Much as I love my pedals, it's one of those amps that makes me see the point of view of old fellers (*cough*Fran*cough*) who say they could happily settle for a good tele, a good amp, and a (polarised) cable.

But not quite, since it also sounds so fucking amazing with fuzz pedals: stars of the show at the moment are my fuzzface, the IC Muff, and the Utility Perkolator (I think Tim must tweak his pedals with Fender amps in mind, since it does things with the Champ that it doesn't with the Matamp).

My tele sounded so like a tele it was untrue, and my SG, although worryingly boomy at first, with a bit of tweaking of the tone controls was soon barking like a good 'un. More news as it breaks (playing the Jazzmaster through it tonight, and setting the M13 up in stereo tomorrow), but it's lovely having a Champ again.
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Post by Hurb »

Looking good benecol! I know what you mean about a no pedal setup, I flitter between many pedals - no pedals- some pedals----ok no pedals. all the time and a good sounding amp doesn't help matters.
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Post by Thom »

After years of using other amps in the past year or so I have become a total Fender convert - they sound beautiful.
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Post by timhulio »

Looks really nice! Has anyone here A/B'd the a silverface champ with the MM bass amp? Does the smaller speaker make it brighter-sounding?

I don't do nuffink to the stock HP circuit for the Utility Perkolator, except substitute the more expensive NOS parts. Reckon these pedals just sound better with really clean amps.
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Post by James »


I used to think I hated Fender amps. The first 'good' one I tried was a 70s twin and I didn't like it at all. I can't remember what made me want to try a bassman, but since I did I've been in love with old Fender amps. I think gaining a love of pedals in between trying the twin and the bassman also helped a lot. I doubt I'll ever own a non-Fender style guitar amp again. If it's not a Fender it will be based on one.
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Post by stewart »

timhulio wrote:Looks really nice! Has anyone here A/B'd the a silverface champ with the MM bass amp? Does the smaller speaker make it brighter-sounding?
both were at progfest but i dunno if comparisons were made. is any amp on earth brighter than the MM bass? mine made my eyeballs hurt if the tone was past 2.
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Post by robert(original) »

nice score! i can't say that i have ever actually tried one of the older smaller fenders, but im still happily in love with my 68 bassman, and my 77 bassman ten has been seeing some action recently, hell i even gigged it a couple weeks ago.
im with you on the "fender amp conversion"
all tube fender amps are tits
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Post by Mike »

It's a lovely, lovely amp. We A/B'd it against my Champ at Progfest and I'm not too proud to say it's much more of an amp than mine. Sounded bigger and more balanced before you even get to the fact it has Tremolo.

Great amp, happy days.

Post by benecol »

I was only present for the tremolo face-off, but next time both the amps are in one place, we'll break out the spanners and see if the Weber speaker is what makes the difference in sound. I reckon it's because this one has languished in the westcountry for at least ten years.
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Post by Mike »

We should be able to just back to back them and change the plugs if when yours was switched they used an RCA phono plug for the speaker like the original one.
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Post by Doog »

Huzzah! While I didn't have a proper GO on the amp (I think the M13 may have been running through it), I can't deny how neat they look and indeed sound.
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Post by NickS »

Just waiting for your call about buying the HH back, Tim....