A new video for a buddy's solo project (and other stuff)

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A new video for a buddy's solo project (and other stuff)

Post by avj »

A guy that's done a few video things within our circle of friends got a job at a swanky production studio. His first project was to shoot a music video for a local band, as this is something the company is interested in doing. The video was done gratis, but the fellow was involved in the concept and was given final cut and freedom to edit as he saw fit.

I like it, but there are some serious synch issues in some of the performance parts -- a glaring one being a missing mimed glock hit at the end. We'd been playing this song out for months and no one remembered that we never play the glock, so I had to quickly show another bandmate the melody (which I played on the recording) and hope he had it down good enough to at least cut around. There are some other miffs which I know could have been solved by using any other of the bits of the ten-or-so takes we did, but this isn't my project so I am not heartbroken.

So getting on with it, this is a song from a forthcoming solo album by the singer of Remi Greene (operating as Josh Ua), a band in which I normally play guitar. I'm the baldy beardo playing the much-hated-but-loved-by-me Fender Jaguar Bass in the intercut performance mimes.

Josh Ua - In Youth

As a bonus, here's a teaser the dude shot for an annual music and art festival we organize, the third annual Aestival Festival:

Aestival Festival Teaser

Shit, and that video has snippets from two unfinished songs I've worked on as part of another band. This band is sort of a rocky synth-pop outfit in which I play guitar and synth, and those are here:
