First off, the cyclone has a jaguar switch, but since there's three pickups and each has it's own separate on/off toggle, there is no choke switch like on a jag. I was thinking about adding one to the control plate. I took it off and started to look at the wiring and thought of something else entirely. Below is the wiring diagram:
It's a little hard to tell, but the capacitor is only connected to one prong on the tone pot and then grounded. Would it be possible to have a switchable capacitor? I have an extra .022uf capacitor that I was thinking about adding. If I wire in a toggle to switch between the two caps, would it different caps affect the tone? And would it work at all? I don't know much about electronics and therefore can't figure this out on my own. I've seen some guitars use .047uf caps, maybe a switch between a .022 and .047?