amp help please -- marshall content

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amp help please -- marshall content

Post by broncobuster80 »

So Im thinking about picking up a SS marshall valvestate amp (100 watt head).. Its got the usual scratchy as hell pots and Im thinking of replacing all of them. I had seen where folks were putting standard pots in place of the ones that are straight on the board. Everything else on the amp works great,physicaly looks great (amp and cab), just them dadgum'n pesky pots are doing their thing.

If there is any thing that I can do to this amp while I am into it let me know! Any kind of hotrod do-dads I can do, please let me know!

(((( sorry if this is in the wrong place, wasnt sure))))

ill post pics as the task starts and thru duration!
fat southern dude from Ends post wrote:so take that all you brand snobs.. you go buy all them high dollar f^<kn' gear, you still cant get tone like that. you know why? cause your a dumb @ss
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Post by vic108 »

try cleaning the pots first, then if still shit, then replace
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Post by Doog »

Yeah, totally- if I could do anything to avoid unsoldering that many connections from a PCB, I would.