Embarrassed to say that I have been (a) tweaking my new TL52 Telecaster, (b) afraid to rout, and (c) digging giant holes in our yard at my wife's direction. So the Mustang VI is still at the "strung up but unplugged" stage. I am working my way around to restarting "real soon now". I have the pickups and electronics, might need a few odds and ends but nothing major aside from the pickguard.
On the plus side, I was talking to a guy about nitrocellulose the other week and he said "funny, we have a big drum of that at work, we use it for finish coats on woodwork." So I think I can get a proper clearcoat once it's done. However - the paint I planned to use was an acrylic rattle can, can nitro spray over acrylic?
I promise I will get routing soon - I am becoming better friends with this guy, and he has a bunch of good woodworking stuff. Don't worry Rod, I won't fail the ss.org brotherhood.
I absolutely love this project I generally just love seeing VIs being made/played, but this is a pretty sweet idea.
From a quick visual, the bridge pickup might be a little close to the bridge to get a good sound... but we'll see, I guess. The Mustang trem is a really interesting idea, can't wait to hear how it works out!
ekwatts wrote:That's American cinema, that is. Fucking sparkles.
Kind words - thanks. I'm interested by your pickup comment - are you referring to the placement on the existing jazz body - which will change when I fill the old routs - or the placement on the planning image?
I don't have any experience with real VIs and I based the placement on measurements of photos of VIs. Where do you reckon it ought to be?
Oh no, another month and no progress! It's still sitting there waiting for me to find the courage to fill the pickup slots and rout new ones - believe it or not, alder is a pretty uncommon timber here in Australia and I haven't even got a block to fill the jazz bass routs with yet.
Busy year at work and my guitar time has been mostly playing rather than building. Also some sizeable "home improvement" projects have taken a chunk of my weekends away.
But IT WILL HAPPEN. It's fun to play even without pickups.
Not yet! But I got it out in its current form and played it this very afternoon. I recently bought a router and I hope to have some time soon to tackle it, but I have a Telecaster to refinish first, and it's a high-demand time of year at work. So it is still in limbo but not forgotten.
Ty wrote:I was browsing the internet and ran across these pics of a modified MM Bass to a Six String MM Bass, thought you might enjoy it.
Can you link me to the site you found the (invisible) pics at? My google-fu is failing, and from the description this is almost exactly what I'm planning on doing, just using a Squier Bronco as a base.
After seeing the short scale Jaguar type bass on Rondo, I'm contemplating using that for a base bass instead. Any idea what stock jazz bass pickups would sound like on a Bass VI, at least to start?