mim duo sonic... replacing pickups

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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mim duo sonic... replacing pickups

Post by chuwi »

The neck pickup on my 93 mim Duo died a year ago. I'm looking for a replacement so I can make a little upgrade without loosing the pernonality of the guitar.

It's always have a buzzsaw like sound on the bridge position (a LOT hotter than a Strat for example), with the middle being quite interesting, fuller tone. I've been thinking of getting a tex mex strat set, but i don't know if this would work, since I need one being reverse wound (for the hum cancelling on the middle position).

Other options are used mustang japan pickups on ebay ($ 30 bucks), but these aren't as hot (mustangs are wound at 5.5 aprox)

I still want to put single coils on it, since I'll be getting another different guitar soon.

any ideas, suggestions? thanks!
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Post by chuwi »

SD antiquity, Lindy Fralin's, curtis novak, Pickup Whiz (all these are too expensive)

some GFS hot strat set (not sure if these would work with the reverse wound thing)
what about getting some 65 or 69 RI mustang pickups? not as hot as the stock ones though, but fairly cheap

any other ideas, opinions
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Post by chuwi »

mustang pickups (65 RI) are really cheap and are reverse wound, so it would be easy to buy and install one of those. Can't be worse than the duo stock pickups, i guess ?

please any ideas are welcome
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Post by laterallateral »

I'd say SD Antiquitys've consistently been my favourite sounding pickups.
I'm assuming this "buzzsaw" sound you're trying to preserve is effect dependant?
If that's the case, save your money and get something like these reverse wound by GFS, as whatever little increased sophistication high end pickups are going to get you will likely be lost along whatever else your effect pedal is chucking out of the mix.

Avoid 69 RI Mustang pickups unless you want icepick treble (which you might, considering the buzzsaw thing)
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Post by Dingus »

Out of curiosity, what do you guys (who have tried one) think of the Squier CV Duo-Sonic pickups?

I was actually really impressed with them for Squiers as I usually find the electronics lacking the most.
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Dingus wrote:Out of curiosity, what do you guys (who have tried one) think of the Squier CV Duo-Sonic pickups?

I was actually really impressed with them for Squiers as I usually find the electronics lacking the most.
I just bought a used pair, as I was also impressed with them in my CV Duo. Especially for the price. I found a used pair for $30 shipped!

I'm working on a early 60s Duo build and they should fill in till I can find (read that "afford") some originals.
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Re: mim duo sonic... replacing pickups

Post by endsjustifymeans »

chuwi wrote:The neck pickup on my 93 mim Duo died a year ago. I'm looking for a replacement so I can make a little upgrade without loosing the pernonality of the guitar.

It's always have a buzzsaw like sound on the bridge position (a LOT hotter than a Strat for example), with the middle being quite interesting, fuller tone. I've been thinking of getting a tex mex strat set, but i don't know if this would work, since I need one being reverse wound (for the hum cancelling on the middle position).

Other options are used mustang japan pickups on ebay ($ 30 bucks), but these aren't as hot (mustangs are wound at 5.5 aprox)

I still want to put single coils on it, since I'll be getting another different guitar soon.

any ideas, suggestions? thanks!
Purchase a middle position texmex pickup, that's essentially what was in there in the first place.
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Post by chuwi »

thank you all!

I should have described a little better the buzzsaw concept haha.

It's just that this duo sonics have a particular tone, probably because of the higher output bridge pickup. It's strat tone but a LOT hotter (compared side to side to American Strat standard), and has this kind of raw sounding mids that sound great with distortion. The original pickups are pretty bright, treblish sounding on the bridge. The neck one was acceptable, jazzier, but a little muddy. I reaally loved the middle position on my jcm 2000.

Guess I just want to mantain the concept behind the guitar, doing a little upgrade without spending a lot.

How different can it be to put a middle RW strat pickup on the neck position? are there any big differences between a neck and a middle position pickup?
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Re: ................

Post by endsjustifymeans »

chuwi wrote:thank you all!

I should have described a little better the buzzsaw concept haha.

It's just that this duo sonics have a particular tone, probably because of the higher output bridge pickup. It's strat tone but a LOT hotter (compared side to side to American Strat standard), and has this kind of raw sounding mids that sound great with distortion. The original pickups are pretty bright, treblish sounding on the bridge. The neck one was acceptable, jazzier, but a little muddy. I reaally loved the middle position on my jcm 2000.

Guess I just want to mantain the concept behind the guitar, doing a little upgrade without spending a lot.

How different can it be to put a middle RW strat pickup on the neck position? are there any big differences between a neck and a middle position pickup?
The only difference aside from the the middle being RW is that the middle may possibly be slightly higher output than the neck. But in my experience strat necks and middles tend to be the same output, if not VERY close. Those duo pickups were essentially strat tex-mex pups, and alot of the peculiar sound of those guitars comes more from the pickups placement itself. I had one and liked it, though I ended up selling the pups to Stewart as I wanted a humbucker in it.
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Post by kypdurron »

what you want is an older mexican standard strat pickup with iron(steel?) polepieces and ceramic bar magnets. I had one in my Ex-Mustang for some time, and it was a hot, screaming bastard.

People usually throw them out of their guitars and away ... 10 bucks is much for such a pickup in used condition. Sadly they don't seem to make them anymore
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Post by endsjustifymeans »

kypdurron wrote:what you want is an older mexican standard strat pickup with iron(steel?) polepieces and ceramic bar magnets. I had one in my Ex-Mustang for some time, and it was a hot, screaming bastard.

People usually throw them out of their guitars and away ... 10 bucks is much for such a pickup in used condition. Sadly they don't seem to make them anymore
Yeah... I think I sold the set of'm for $25-$30. I'd bet a months watching ebay will land you one at a good price.
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Post by chuwi »

guess I'll start searching for a tex mex strat set or one of those old mim ones.
thank you a lot for your help.

I already had upgraded it with a toronado bridge and gotoh tuners. With the new pickups it's gonna be sweet!
next I'm going for a blacktop JM or classic player deluxe tele with tremolo :)