The frame at this point was pretty warped

I added in the window frame section and door frame section, things got less warped as it all got bent together.
I added the wood on the backside of the room before things got any heavier to move.

I added the front walls. Don't use a ziplock bag over your hand to spread caulk...

I put in the windows. 2 panes at 1/4" thick. I built the frame as a 2x2 sqaure for the window. I ordered the glass a 1/4 inch smaller than the frame. I used redwood pieces to separate and enclose the glass, and then clear acrylic caulk around the edges. (Use your finger to spread it nicely)

Old band T shirts I couldn't sell as floor insulation

Two PVC ports on the ceiling, one to the vent fan (which sucks) and one for fresh air. Ceiling mount mic stand. I surrounded the base in the ceiling with 2x4 pieces so it wont move around if I unscrew it.
Blown in insulation made from recycled stuff. Smells like jigsaw puzzles. Makes your noise run. Dusty. I hate it.

I modified a regular monitor stand to become a wall mount monitor arm. muahahaha.

inside of the door. 2x4's and poplar wood.

long hinges.

Air Conditioning theiving.

Roof n stuff.

Christmas Lights!

Purple Auralex

From the outside...still looks shitty. Blurry girlfriend inside. Looking pretty! I hazrhymezlol

Things left to do...
Wooden floor. Faux Brick outside. Mouse and headphone amp pedestal...