As a guy that loves to build things who has spent many hours in the metal shop at work making engineering test fixtures, when it came time to choose a pedalboard solution, I always figured I'd just make one myself and be done with it. In the end, I ended up buying a
Pedaltrain PT-2 with flight case for $150 USD after doing some price-matching.
As stupid as it may sound, I'm a guy that puts a lot of value in his free time. I work a normal 9-5 job five or six days a week, do music stuff two or three evenings per week, and spend the rest on trying to not make my ol' lady hate me. If I had to spend a few days of my precious free time sourcing a proper-fitting flight case, manufacturing something to fit, probably screwing something up and going through another quick design iteration and doing it again, I feel like I would have well exhausted the $150.
I liked the PT-2 because it was big enough for my needs, it was designed to easily mount the
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+ Power Supply underneath (and probably others fairly easily), and already had the flight case. Between the PT-2 and the PP2+, I was a bit worried to spend $330 on a full solution, but since the day I assembled everything I haven't spent even one second worrying about the setup. The flight case was something I considered necessary, as I'm lugging the board around twice a week -- more if there happens to be a gig that week. If I had a smaller pedal footprint I think having a flight case would be a bit silly, but with a large board comes more weight and more damage potential, so I deemed it necessary.
I know most of this probably doesn't apply to you directly as you generally keep your ever-changing effects rig fairly small, but I thought maybe exposing something in my thought process might help with a decision.
My vote for you is for the Mini with soft case. It's a relatively small investment for a well-designed solution, and unless you someday decide to go pedal-crazy again, this is something you'll likely have forever. It's also something that will have resale value should you decide you need to flip it later.