Does the boss dd3 hold mode allow you to mess with the sample in hold mode? as in move the delay time to make it sound all cool? and if so does the behringer copy? I have had one but I totally cant remember ?
I've had 2 DD3's in the past and all I could get the hold mode to do on both was repeat one single note, it was difficult to work and not very useful. Not sure if you can work the knobs to change the sound though as I never tried.
The hold function isn't great on the DD3. It's difficult to measure how long you're recording for and you have to keep your foot down on the pedal for as long as you want it to loop. But if you do manage to record the right length of time AND not have the loop stop due to your foot moving up slightly, you can adjust the pitch with the delay time knob.
looking at that behringer copy it isn't really a copy at all with different delay times etc but does it do this hold delay time messing. the dd600 certainly doesn't.
When i think back to the studio recording with Poem Rocket yes your right, it did have the Hold function. Jesus, another innocent facepalm moment from my brain... looks like the years of abuse is catching up with me
t'other guitarist in my band uses a DD7, I'll ask him if it does the pitch changey thing in the hold mode (although he's in hospital at the moment so that may be a while). If it does I'd say get that instead of the DD3, judging from when I've used his the hold mode is much more usable.
The dd-6 has a 'warp mode' which you hold down and it acts pretty much like hold mode and aslong as you keep it held down you can fiddle with the delay time as much as you want.
Doog wrote:"And every day after high school, the young Kurt would sit down with his soldering iron and oscilloscope, to work on what come to be known as the Boss DS-1, the world's first guitar distortion pedal."
I have a DD100. I was messing with it earlier... You can't do any of the cool pitch changes with the knobs whilst its in hold mode.
Also its REALLY hard to accurately stop/start the hold time (it only does it for about 2 seconds max anyway). I was trying to loop just a couple of notes and it was so hard to get it nice and evenly looped (if that makes sense?).