At least these ones have subdued cloth grilles instead of the metal plate grills the old ones had. First it was chrome metal, then black metal, now black cloth....I think they're getting there. I would consider that they want to withhold some integrity in the AC line of amps however they already make solid state AC15s that look exactly like their tube counterparts from the front.
These are great practice amps....I just don't play around with a lot of digital effects and I have way too many amps now if I didn't before
I think they look fine. Nice twist on the classic design and as mentioned by Nick, it separates them from the traditional valve range but still look like a Vox.
I think it's a shame they couldn't use the same speaker covering as that used on some of the old Valvetronix models: ad60vt, ad60vtx, ad120vt and ad120vtx.
I think these new ones look the best, but it doesn't matter because every time i've tried to use one of these i get lost in a sea of shit-tone and can't twist enough knobs or press enough random buttons to get the fuck out.