Marshall MG100HDFX
Gibson Gothic Les Paul Studio
GFS Vintage '59 Humbucker
Marshall MG100HDFX
Crate Blue Voodoo Cabinet
Celestion GT-75T - Shure SM57
WGS Veteran 30 - Audix i5
I felt like playing BOOGIE NO MORE by smash supergroup MOLLY HATCHET and this it what happened.
Some fagtard plugged the speaker output into a powered mixer and I had the pleasure of charging him to fix it.
Amp/Effects/Pickups Samples Sticky Thread
Moderated By: mods
Epiphone Valve Jr. with Plexi SE in Cascade mode
This is an Epiphone Valve Jr. head modified with the Plexi SE v1.1 pcb. It is set to 'Cascade' mode (similar to Marshall JCM800). It also has a Hammond 125ESE output transformer. A few of the resistors and capacitors have been changed as in popular jcm800 modifications (bright cap etc..).
I'm not exactly happy with the results yet, but my customer needs this amp working by tomorrow. The stock output transformer was bad.
Gibson Gothic Les Paul Studio
GFS Vintage '59 Humbucker
Marshall MG100HDFX
Crate Blue Voodoo Cabinet
Celestion GT-75T - Shure SM57
WGS Veteran 30 - Audix i5
Plexi SE:
I'm skankraping a Witchfinder General song here.
This is an Epiphone Valve Jr. head modified with the Plexi SE v1.1 pcb. It is set to 'Cascade' mode (similar to Marshall JCM800). It also has a Hammond 125ESE output transformer. A few of the resistors and capacitors have been changed as in popular jcm800 modifications (bright cap etc..).
I'm not exactly happy with the results yet, but my customer needs this amp working by tomorrow. The stock output transformer was bad.
Gibson Gothic Les Paul Studio
GFS Vintage '59 Humbucker
Marshall MG100HDFX
Crate Blue Voodoo Cabinet
Celestion GT-75T - Shure SM57
WGS Veteran 30 - Audix i5
Plexi SE:
I'm skankraping a Witchfinder General song here.