well, i didn't know anything about a squire duo sonic, which isn't a surprise because i am new to these guitars. i just won one on ebay, anyone care to educate me on my purchase?
this isn't the exact one but color is the same.
i guess my addiction is out of control now, damn, what the hell am i going to do about x-mas?
they ebay purchase woulndn't have been so bad by itself but i purshcased this perfect 65 RI mustang two days ago.
so now i have a blue on and a red one and i am uninstalling internet explorer from my damn computer
If it has CXS or X in the serial number it's a Squier Affinity made in China in 1998 or 1999. They aren't bad for the price, cost about $250 new. I think they are a 22.7" scale likr the Mexican reissues of the 1993 to 1997 years $180 and that's not a bad price, just no bargan. It's hard to find them for much less. Just can't remember anyone saying how they sound, just that they play OK. They probably vary a bit in quality though.
i payed 150 for mine and that was like 8 years ago.
ArgyleLouis bought mine for 150 after i installed jagstang tuners, new pickups, covers, knobs and a switch
awesome little guitar
with .13 strings on it, it only would stay in tune if i tuned it up to F. when left in E, the strings were too slack and didn't work out that well. after a month of playing in F you start to get used to it and I actually wrote quite a few songs in F with this guitar.
Yea, the Mexi Duo is quite a nice guitar. I actually like it better than the CV Duo but enjoy the CV scale a little better for noodlin past the 12th fret. Either way, my buddy has been playing for 16 years now, probably the best player I actually know, and he won't part with that little guitar. I used to have one but foolishly gave it up when I was a young'n, basically looked the same as the red one above.