My first reaction to this thread was "Ha! fucking Pussies..."
Then I was all like "Heeeeeyy.. I'm one of those pussies..."
Thanks for the head's up, Rob. Too bad they out.
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total
I have used the 11's for 10 years or so now, never needed to look elsewhere - great strings. I use them for all my guitars which are all full scale. You can often get 10 sets for £30 or so via ebay.
Rob rocks the 13's. I remember I wanted to be just like Rob and put a set on my Bronco and my hands hated me and I regretted it (ultimately sold it and my rights in the Bronco club) but sounded great on the Jazzmaster (which I also sold). All strings rock depending on the application. I even found a soft spot for 10's on an acoustic recently which before would have been forboaden but the bends called for it. Point of this post is that there is no point; only strings.
i've switched from 11s on my shortscales to light bottom heavy top d'addario strings (10 - 52) and this suits me for what i need. I have 10s on the tele but might try a set of these when i change the strings next
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
Dont have a video camera/mic, but I can usually get between a half step and a whole step on a High E bend, MAYYYYYYYBEEEEE a wee bit more if I really try.
I just prefer the strings to not feel like rubber bands.
The strings in the gauge itself aren't too extreme.
It's 60, 46,36,26,18,14/15
Would probably be good for lower tunings, but I dont usually tune lower.