Rich! I have ...err...had... something quite like your harmony. I paid $50 at a pawn shop for this bad boy. Although they appear the same, the headstock says "Sovereign", not harmony. Before we smashed it I remember it had this nice plunky bassy sound. It has since been usurped by our new beater, which is a cort. No pictures of that one yet.
acgghh look at that bad ass contour.... perfectly dinged up too... RIP
I don't think a beater necessarily has to be cheap. My 08 MIA p bass would probably qualify as a beater now, and I bought it brand new! I've played so many shows on it that it's gotten all scratched up and dented and dinged. It looks awesome though!
ac88 wrote:Rich! I have ...err...had... something quite like your harmony. I paid $50 at a pawn shop for this bad boy. Although they appear the same, the headstock says "Sovereign", not harmony. Before we smashed it I remember it had this nice plunky bassy sound. It has since been usurped by our new beater, which is a cort. No pictures of that one yet.
acgghh look at that bad ass contour.... perfectly dinged up too... RIP