Rhysyrhys wrote:Its a bass. Plus Jaguar basses aren't that inconic. Plus also, I don't think that many people here own a Jag Bass of any sort or are that attached to that model. Plus that humbucker is sick. If they had done something supercool like that on the guitar models then it might have been a different story too.
But it says Jaguar. If Squier would have called the jazzmaster the stratomaster everyone would have liked. The fact the they took the Jaguar and made into a bass is more of tragedy than adding a strat jack and humbuckers to a guitar.
I agree. I know you own the Fender version of the Jaguar bass (as do I), and I don't know why people seem to hate them so much while pouring on so much love for these lifeless, characterless namesake-rapers. The only thing any of Squier versions share with an actual Jaguar six-string is the name and an offset body. At least the Fender version captured a lot of the design elements that actually make a Jaguar a Jaguar.
a fender jag bass actually looks like a jag, these things look like a budget company tried to rip off a jag and do a poor job . . .
sadly I ended up selling that bass :/ I was a guitar player that always got suckered into playing bass because I had one. it is a great bass and I'm kind of sad I sold it but I just didn't ever play it.
portugalwillie wrote:a fender jag bass actually looks like a jag, these things look like a budget company tried to rip off a jag and do a poor job . . .
sadly I ended up selling that bass :/ I was a guitar player that always got suckered into playing bass because I had one. it is a great bass and I'm kind of sad I sold it but I just didn't ever play it.
Ah yes, I remember seeing it in the classifieds. My bass prior to this one was an old '97 Squier black-on-black Precision that I loved, but it just wasn't cutting it for gigging -- so I ended up with this one after finding it on clearance back when they were discontinued. If I was still playing bass with that band, I'd probably replace the pickups with some SD Jazz Antiquities or something, but it sounds great as-is.
I always like to have a bass around and hopefully never need a reason to sell this guy.
I didn't realize the HB ones are active. I wonder how close they'll come to sounding like a stingray. I've moved away from active bass tones, and actually just sold my stingray, but if I ever decided I did want to go back, it might be cool to be able to grab one of these for real cheap to get that sound.
portugalwillie wrote:So jazzmasters are and jagmasters are offensive because they're ruining the guitars . . .
but throwing a humbucker with 4 knobs a body that kind of looks like a Jaguar is no problem?
Its a bass. Plus Jaguar basses aren't that inconic. Plus also, I don't think that many people here own a Jag Bass of any sort or are that attached to that model. Plus that humbucker is sick. If they had done something supercool like that on the guitar models then it might have been a different story too.
rhys takin' the words out from my mouf.
+1 to all your observations, but i guess the best part is that IT DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING STRAT JACK ON IT.
portugalwillie wrote:So jazzmasters are and jagmasters are offensive because they're ruining the guitars . . .
but throwing a humbucker with 4 knobs a body that kind of looks like a Jaguar is no problem?
Its a bass. Plus Jaguar basses aren't that inconic. Plus also, I don't think that many people here own a Jag Bass of any sort or are that attached to that model. Plus that humbucker is sick. If they had done something supercool like that on the guitar models then it might have been ta different story too.
rhys takin' the words out from my mouf.
+1 to all your observations, but i guess the best part is that IT DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING STRAT JACK ON IT.
Right, because that would take away from the wonderful job Squier has done at capturing the rest of the Jaguar aesthetic.