My friend who I jam with every now and again has some icky no name "glimpse of the future" bass. Fugly and shit.
He wanted to step up a notch and asked me what he should be looking at with a budget of around £300. He actually had his eye on an Epi Les Paul bass! Fuck that I said, get a 2nd hand Mexican P or Jazz bass or (if possible) a Classic Vibe P or Jazz, then with the money spare put it toward a nice little bass bin or something because he plays through a shitty 10w s-state guitar amp.
I gave him a run down of why I think he should narrow it down to a CV Jazz based on what he plays and their quality, but at the end of the day he needs to go try one out because I haven't, I'm just riding on the strength of what I've been reading on the internet (though I have played other Fender Jazz's before and love them). So anyway, he's just gone and bought a CV Jazz for £200 off ebay. Is he going to kick me in the balls or not?
Our bassist got one a few months ago off eBay too and loves it. It is a brilliant bass for the money. Think he's considering maybe getting a CV P-Bass if one comes up for cheap enough too.
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That's a relief then. He's been playing bass for only 2 years so I don't think he really knows what he wants. Better than a Les Paul bass though I'm sure.
I want the lefty model. They look pretty great too. I don't even play bass but just wanted one to use for recording and shit. Need to find the spare £280 first though
i love the CV basses, i have the precision and gavin has the jazz. i've only had a brief fiddle on his, but it felt really nice. the jazz bass was ok too (lal). i'm sure your mate won't be disappointed, if he is buy it off him and keep it for yourself.
only thing wrong with the J bass is the manky placenta tort guard.
He loves it. I've not played on it yet but he says it gets some "really amazing sounding notes" coming out of it. I think he means sweet spots or whatever. His one complaint is that the action is too low and he keeps sounding stuff too easilly, which I'm going to change for him.
I've never played a single coil (with only one pickup), bass before, but Im sure it will sound "fat" compared to my mustang (which has two pickups, but doesn't sound produce that much output).
drBenway wrote:Has anyone played this one? Thoughts?
It's crap . Sorry to put it like that but it is . Good bridge but blah tuners and and pickup. The wood is agathis so it depends on you if you like that or not . Agathis does give off good sound but it is soft . It's a tropic evergreen that that has tonal characters of mahogany . And it is light . But for the money I don't think they're worth it .
But for the CV J bass ? Another story . Especially if it's the 70s one . Plays a lot if no better than a Mexi J bass. Nice heavy soft maple that actually helps resonate tones nice . Comes with a super heavy duty bridge . Duncan Designed pickups are good but not great but that's only an opinion . But for the quality of the bass it would be worth throwing in a set of Basslines if desired .
Last edited by Rox on Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.