sorry if this topic isn't relevant to this forum, or if it's been done already, or if nobody has any actual interest in a topic such as this!
I browse a lot of music forums, and a common theme after a new year is for topics to be posted on aims and objectives people have for expanding their knowledge of guitar over the year.
Do any of you guys fit into this category?
Personally, i've been 'playing' guitar in some form since I was 16 (i'm now 20). At first there was rapid improvement, i played with a lot of school bands doing end of year shows, and it was a lot of fun. But since i've got to Uni my progress has sort of hit a stalemate, which has also further been enhanced by the fact that most of the stuff i write nowadays is trying to get a guitar to sound nothing like it should, using delay, pitchshifting blah blah. Basically i've fallen into the trap of being so overwhelmed by pedals i'm making no real sound progress.
Anyway, last year i decided i'd improve my practice regime, but really put no effort into solidifying what is a 'good' practice. So i've become annoyed at myself, and more determined to succeed in doing more this year.
MY GOALS (so far)
- I'm using two books for the time being. One of which is Fred Sokolow's 'Fretboard Roadmaps' which i'm hoping will clue me up a bit more with regards to theory.
- The second of which is Rockschool Grade 5 guitar. I'm hoping to complete all of these songs by March/April. Not a huge task, but i'm not wanting to pressure myself too much either.. it's supposed to be fun

- I've been quite disciplined with my practicing this year already, at least 30-45 minutes per day. Learning some scales, fretboard notes etc, chord progressions.. I've also went straight from guitar > amp, as i find i get sidetracked by effects if i plug everything in. I'm thinking of making a small 'practice board' with my tuner and maybe an overdrive for all the rock school stuff.
And that's it for now. Nothing huge, but again there's no point in being unrealistic and giving myself huge goals that i'm never going to stick to.
It would be super awesome if other members on this forum felt the same about their playing this year and were willing to put down what they want to do this year, be it any type of goals or musical aims and we could help each other out. I know that i would benefit from some of you guys' experience when it comes to finding decent websites, or practice plans, or even just advice on where to go next. I have seen this type of thing work nicely on other forums, but I feel more like a member here than most of them (which is silly - i'm a lurker at best!), but i think the intimate nature of this forum would work better than say for example HCFX.
So yeah, i've rambled on so much.. post your goals! lets see what happening with them!