We know a guy named who has a fancy studio in an old converted box factory. He gave us an incredible deal for 2.5 days.
First up is the guitar set-up:
We're running:
-Sunn Concert Lead into a 4x12 cab with Jensens [main sounds]
-Dr.Z 18 watt tube combo (to the right of the 4x12) [little dirt]
-Custom Build 3-5 watt tube combo (under the 4x12)[beautiful cleans]
-Roland JC-160 4x10 (behind everything, opposite direction) [more cleans]
Our guitar player Mark plays a beat up old Epiphone Les Paul that fell off the roof of a car and got smashed but was repaired:
Here's Mark trying out some pedals, see anything familiar?
This was my first time ever trying out a dwarfcraft device and it was incredible. The great destroyer is fucking awesome.
Here are his two guitars:
- The beat up LP
- A Squier Strat that I repainted a rewired for him.
On to the bass:
- Acoustic 370 into an old traynor 6x10 with only 4 speakers. Sounds awesome.
Here's the drum stuff I'm using:
- 70's Slingerland Concorde kit, 24" 14" 18" and a Pearl Brass 14x5" Free Floating Snare
- the duct tape adds resonance.
We tried out some bass drum mic'ing with this wicked old Coppertone mic. It was cool, but not cool enough. We decided to go with a wicked old ribbon mic.
This is the weather outside while we work:
Here's a couple more: