Today's Stupid Deal at Musician's Friend is the Bugera 1990 head, which I believe is a JCM 900-type amp. I know some of these Bugerhinger amps are held in higher regard here than others, but I have no first-hand experience with these particular guys. That seems like a great price if the amp is any good.
One of my friends had one and I didn't like it. I didn't play it myself though, and he had a tendency to automatically set whatever amp he was playing through to chainsaw mode, so that might be why I didn't like it. I loved the 22 watt bugera combo that I played through at GC, so I'm sure this is probably better than my initial reaction to it.
Can't speak for this particular model, but I'm loving the Bugera v55 head I've got from johnnyseven, via Mike before that. Brilliant Tones for any price.
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