I just got to play one over the weekend . I am one for no reason just hates Les Pauls . I think it's that it's one of them over copied over hyped model of guitar . I even met Les Paul back in 2001 . Very nice guy . Would never be able to point him out in a crowd . Just a truly nice modest old gent . Anyhow......Looking it at it the thing in my head already had 3 strikes against it . First it was a Les Paul. Second it was a Gold top Les Paul ( I know , shoot me , I just hate the look of goldtops ) and 3rd it was an Epiphone Goldtop Les Paul which goes to the whole " Most copied thing " . I hate the fact how Gibson can take a model , change the pickups and mismatch knobs and then sell it for double as a Signature . Just ghey .
But I picked it up anyway and plugged it in . What a fucking awesome guitar for the money . Even if you like Joe Bonamassa or not this thing was a great sounding , great feeling guitar . You can jam it . It plays sparkly sweet when mellow . I was just amazed . Even comes with a case . If you like Les Pauls check it out . Completely underrated guitar and certainly a hidden gem. And this is coming from a guy bias against LPs ....
I know , I hate the Dr.Epiphone guy too but here's a quick preview on it ..
GeorgeF wrote:I can't really comment on the JB sig, but he gets fucking crazy good sounds when playing the guitar.
When I saw him live 2-3 years ago he played his signature guitar for only 1 song. (I think it was the pro-type) but still, its just a gold les paul? I'm sure its nice but it wont be worth the extra money for having his name on it. Its like the millions of slash les pauls that they are always putting out as 'limited editions'.
Les Pauls are copied a lot because they are popular. And they are popular because they sound awesome. I haven't played this model, but just because a guitar is copied a lot, is no reason to hate a guitar. Also, Gibson isn't doing anything that Fender doesn't do as far as changing the pickup configuration of their guitars and releasing it as a signature model.
Billy3000 wrote:Les Pauls are copied a lot because they are popular. And they are popular because they sound awesome. I haven't played this model, but just because a guitar is copied a lot, is no reason to hate a guitar. Also, Gibson isn't doing anything that Fender doesn't do as far as changing the pickup configuration of their guitars and releasing it as a signature model.
this is exactly what I was thinking. They're copied all the time because they're great guitars.
to be fair, i don't think anyone's 'hating' on the guitar, just the marketing motive behind it. sure it's great to sell a few more guitars with some jack-offs name on it, but when the guitar isn't really different than the original model (aside from normal plastic mods like this one), what's the fucking point of the premium? go buy a goldtop epiphone, switch some knobs and plastic around, and boom: you've got this overpriced dookie.
most fender/squier signature guitars have a little more balls than this silly thing. i don't even know who this guy is, but if i did, i wouldn't pay that kinda money for a guitar with different colored pickup bezels and knobs.
Actually it is . In fact if you pick it up you'd see it's pretty obvious . Especially the neck . It's a 59 spec . US Burstbuckers and US electrics .
And comparing Joe Bonamassa to " some jackoff " is pretty fierce . Want to say they rated him one of the best blues players .
I did happen to compare it to a Gibson LP standard . They're fucking neck and neck . Prolly take the Gibson but for something like comparing an Epi to a Gibson and scratching your head on which one played better says a lot for it .
Is it over priced " Dookie " ? Head to a fucking guitar shop and see for yourself ( no attitude intended ) . For $600 bucks ( which it was tagged at my shop )and with a case ? I thought it was a screaming deal.
i love that signature guitar. the sound joe got out of it when i saw him in birmingham was just amazing. i'd definitely go for something like that if i wanted a les paul. there making an affordable studio JB gibson as well.
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic
Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
Marshall MG10 Combo
MAXGuitar in The Netherlands is taking preorders for a Gibson JB Studio
"Gibson Joe bonamassa LP Studio LPSJBGBCH1
Gloss finish gold top - dark back. expected around the month april. Limited numbers of these models will be available. We are taking pre orders now. price is an indication and can vary with the exchange rates.