my buddy who shot the video was way to close to the stage so the audio is distorted as fuck...
i dunno, he recorded my whole set as one video, so i'm in the process of cutting it up into smaller bits that may end up being useable.
DI into the P.A. possibly my least favorite way to play..
sound guy did a decent job
the dude who filmed this was a bit to close to the PA speakers so it breaks up a bit more then i'd like..
both of these songs are tunes i wrote for Zero Cool, and i ended up playing them more like zero cool songs then i normally do for an acoustic show.
thanks, but i think that may have a bit to do with the mic on the camcorder being over driven when recording it.
i'll take it the jam space tonight and if i have time see about doing an demo through my vox ac100cph (that i still need to finish posting the demo for...)