NPD: BMP content

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NPD: BMP content

Post by SGJarrod »

So today was an unbelievably shitty day at work...but I got home and finished up my current project; now its new pedal day. I think this finishes out my Big Muff collection for now. I had a Modded Triangle BMP that I had made already but I traded it for a fret level, so I had to replace it with a SUPERIOR one ;)

BMP built to Triangle specs with some mods thrown in for good taste, including a mid-shift knob :twisted:



The Beauties!!!

'78 IC BMP

Earth Quaker Devices Hoof
-Germanium Russian, huge low-end, nice clarity and a mid-shift knob. Dis B 4 de Dan Auerbach tonez

Modded Triangle with mid-shift knob

Life is good :D
lorez wrote: I'm a fuzz lover so my clean is another man's crunch ;)