Hey guys. So I got a chinese Jagmaster from 2009.
Girlfriend basically gave it to me cause I bought her a camera. She will still use it, but she figures I've been eyeing it for mods for some time, so it is mine to molest and destroy.
But. I am a turd, so I will be doing some small mods for now.
1. First up. I want Kluson or Fender F Style 70s tuners. I found them both at this site, do you think they will fit the stock jagmaster tuner holes?
2. Also, is there anywhere cheapther than these for Mustang knobs, it is 3.95 for one knob, I'd need two.
3. The Trem on the jagmaster feels stiff. I am not used to Strats at all, but it feels much more difficult and rattly than the CV strat trems I have tried for a few minutes. Would it be worth buying a GFS Trem for 40 bucks, or even just a GFS Stainless steel trem block to add more weight to the whole system and more sustain? They are around 25 bucks. ORRR would locking the trem increase sustain or bottum end at all? Is it a difficult procedure?
4. Furthermore... is there anyway I could attain a finish like this one my neck, with a self applied spray can of some sort? Or is that something that can only be done in factories? I'd be willing to do it myself this summer if I could buy like one can and do it in my backyard. I have no idea what one would call this tint... but it is my favourite

5. Does anyone here have experience with GFS cheapo humbuckers? Experiences with the humbucker sized WRHB clones? I am a fan of mellow humbuckers, too many of GFS humbucker's seem to be suited for high gain.
Thanks for all your help, sorry for ramble of questions!