you all may have seen my thread about a white Musicmaster i picked up recently for £250. all original parts except for someone had routed if for a bucker at the bridge.the guitar had obviously been refinished as the white finish was of poor quality and was very flakey and loose but luckily the neck was in awesome condition including original tuners and the original bridge and the neck pickup are intact.

i decided i would refinish it in natural but after taking some of the finish off i have discovered somebody has refinished it in a green stain at some point very Francis Rossi. I then decided to refinish it in sonic blue and convert it to a DuoSonic style guitar with the chrome control plate. i picked up a few parts for the upgrade
-Fender Custom Shop 69 pickup (abigail ybarra)
-black smooth top covers
-Cts 250k pots
-.47 sprague cap
-phase switches
-switchcraft jack
-mustang knobs
-mij control plate (going to need to ream the holes)
a friend of mine had an old 60s duosonic pickguard which he made a template of and will be making me a new pickguard
so with all the parts sorted its down to the work
The guitar partially stripped as you can see there is some nasty green stain on the guitar

Paint testing

Old pickguard

i will keep you all updated as i go will start painting on monday.