I'm going to be buying a new laptop later this year as my current PC is ancient - my ipod has double the hard disc capacity of my PC. I want to buy a recording package for my laptop to allow me to record songs or whatever on it. Just wondered what the best packages out there are and what I would need in order to record guitar/bass tracks onto it. I know nothing about this sort of thing so any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Johno. Does it come with the recording software? I looked at the Line 6 website and it looks like it'd have to buy that seperately - if so any suggestions on a good package, something easy to use for basic recording? I'm not very technically minded.
I like Reaper a lot. It has a free evaluation period, then after that you can pay a small fee (like $30 or so) and have a paid copy. Or you can indefinitely run a trial.
Dodgy copy of Acid? It's the only thing I know my way around which is why I use it. Think i looked at reaper years ago but got confused - will have to check out latest versions. What's it got going for it?
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
yeah, I don't think reaper is that good actually. it's not very intuitive and some operations can be just plain awkward. I like cubase. cubase essential is only $150 and has probably more functionality than any similarly priced DAW.