This summer, my band wants to do some home recording. We just finished recording in a legitimate studio and had a lot of fun doing it, but we found every member had conflicting schedules at times, which in turn, created complications with the recording guy, who also had a schedule.

We, the band, have made several recordings on my computer by putting mics into a mixing board and then out to the computer via a 1/8" jack, we have to rerecord if someone messes up. The problem that always arises is levels. Since it is all recorded on to one track, we have to redo the whole song and keep re-adjusting levels until they are somewhat usable even if everyone played through the song perfectly. That being said, not all the instruments sound their best, which is where having separate, EQ-able channels would be lovely. Any suggestions?
In addition, we have three sennhiser e835, one sm57, EV cardinal, and soon an MXL R40. We also have ten miscillanous, meh/shitty mics. There is a plan to replace them with sm57's, but what else would y'all suggest?
Any other recording/mixing tips would be appreciated, especially for drums and vocals.