1966 Fender Coronado II

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Post by hotrodperlmutter »

around christmas time, i had the opportunity to buy the I version of this. i regret it, but am still holding out for a II w/o trem.

looks tongy.

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Post by James »

That rosewood is way darker than on my Coronado. Here's one of your shots alongside an indoor and outdoor shot of mine for comparison
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Apr '66 is pretty early for a II, or at least I think it is. Mine and stewarts are both Jan '67 and I thought they were early. It's tough to find much info on them, though.
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Re: 1966 Fender Coronado II

Post by SKC Willie »


surprised no one has mentioned the missing bushing yet!
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Post by James »

You seem to be missing the black plastic part that sits under the pickups. They aren't necessary by any means. My guess is the pickups were removed for some reason and the because the plastic goes brittle with age it was just removed when it cracked.

I also didn't have the case with mine but I bought a 335 case (Gator GW-335) and it fits great apart from a couple of small things. At the widest point of the body it's very snug, the guitar goes in absolutely fine but it's tighter than usual. The Fender headstock not angling back goes a little against what the part that holds the neck was designed for. The angle of it is obviously made for a Gibson style guitar but it doesnt cause a problem, there's just empty space underneath and the headstock is quite near the top of the case. Both are definitely minor issues and it's a perfectly functional cse and a 335 case is probably as good as you're going to get. I like mine a lot but I think almost any 335 case will do. I took mine on a couple of flights (one in the hold and one in the cabin) and it just got a small dent in one of the metal feet. This is the one I have...


If you don't mind me asking, what did you pay?
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Post by kapepepper »

Yes, I am looking to replace that missing part on the tuner

And interesting to hear from the black plastic cap over the Pick Up. I saw that on other pictures and was just thinking it was another version of the same Pick Up

Thanks for the tipon the gator case. I think that one wil do for now

I paid around 650 euro for it.
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Post by kapepepper »

hotrodperlmutter wrote:around christmas time, i had the opportunity to buy the I version of this. i regret it, but am still holding out for a II w/o trem.

looks tongy.

I also see on this coronado that it does not have the checkered finish on the guitar
anybody an idea what is the stiry behind that?
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Post by Josh »

I really want one. perhaps when I start gaining income I'll purchase one, love the way they feel and sound.
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Post by James »

€650 is a great deal. That wouldn't be a terrible price for a Coro I, especially as things like this tend to be quite expensive in Europe. For a II that's definitely on the low end of their value and you did well.

I'm not sure what you mean by the checkered finish. Do you mean on the binding?

If you notice his pickups have the black centres which means it's an older model. They started with the all metal ones like on yours, mind and stewart's, and then later switched to the ones with the black part. There are bits of info dotted around the internet but no definitive place. I might see if I can collect it all together and make a little guide sometime. The black plastic underneath remained but there's no need to replace it on yours. I'd take one of my pickups off and take a photo so you can see what it's like but the last time I did that one of them cracked where the plastic is so brittle.
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Post by kapepepper »

thanks for the usefull info on the PUs; and yes, finding good info on coronado is difficult. There is also some more info in the book fender: the golden age which is interesting and some good pictures but it is only a small chapter

indeed, I mean the chechered binding...they look to be like an early feuature on coronados
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Post by James »

I think the chequered binding is consistent on the II, his has it and it's hard to tell from your photo but it looks like yours does too.
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Post by mcjt »

The checkered binding was an option in the early coronados. They always have Chrome pickups as it was only available early.
I've read that it was Rickenbacker who did the special binding for Fender. IIRC i even saw a photo of a checker bound Coro with a Rickenbacker shipping box!
I have a checkered SB Coro and i love it!
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Post by James »

mcjt wrote:The checkered binding was an option in the early coronados. They always have Chrome pickups as it was only available early.
There must be some overlap because that sunburst one a few pics up has chequered binding and the later pickups. Though it's possibly the pickups are replacements. It's definitely more common for the earlier ones to have it than not.

A couple of pics for people wondering what it looks it without chequered -

Chrome pickups with normal binding, it actually looks quite nice. Very clean.


Wildwood red.


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Post by mcjt »

James, i've followed Coro's for years but i think you've got a good point-
i've always seen the checkered binding with chrome pups, but Fender may have still had bodies in stock with the checker binding when they had migrated to the new pups. this photo is testament, though he may still have an early Coro that lost its original pups, then 2nd gen pups were installed.
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Re: 1966 Fender Coronado II

Post by westtexasred »

kapepepper wrote:hi all
new on the forum. found it by looking for more info on coronados. Alot of info here available....

well, found this guitar a few weeks back for a real good price. Looks like the guitar was cherished by the previous owner

guitar only shows some minor neck wear and some wear at the edge where the arm rests; for the rest it is perfect.
Action is sweet, neck is extremely fine and easy to play.
It is a 1966 with the 5000XX serial number

if anybody has an original victoria case, please let me know :) it came in a very similar sixties case but like to have the original victoria case


Congrats and welcome to the forum! What a beauty.

Did you get it from the same place they found "the Africa Burst"?

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Post by James »

mcjt wrote:James, i've followed Coro's for years but i think you've got a good point-
i've always seen the checkered binding with chrome pups, but Fender may have still had bodies in stock with the checker binding when they had migrated to the new pups. this photo is testament, though he may still have an early Coro that lost its original pups, then 2nd gen pups were installed.
When did they switch the pickups? 69?

It'd be good to see some examples of chequered binding and the plastic covered pickups along with the neck stamps to see how likely it is it's a transition issue.
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Post by ploppy »

Elvis owned one too apparently, which he used in his '60's movie "speedway":
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Post by More Cowbell »

aen wrote:hahaha, it's like the Bronco explosion from a few years ago.
Coronado's takin over! :lol:
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Post by stewart »

James wrote:
mcjt wrote:James, i've followed Coro's for years but i think you've got a good point-
i've always seen the checkered binding with chrome pups, but Fender may have still had bodies in stock with the checker binding when they had migrated to the new pups. this photo is testament, though he may still have an early Coro that lost its original pups, then 2nd gen pups were installed.
When did they switch the pickups? 69?

It'd be good to see some examples of chequered binding and the plastic covered pickups along with the neck stamps to see how likely it is it's a transition issue.
i've seen black covered pickups from '67. there doesn't seem to be any logic to it.
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Post by More Cowbell »

The chrome pups are d'armonds, the black are fender's version.
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Post by DGNR8 »

I finally have OGs but haven't installed yet. Too many other projects to wade through.
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