Fitting some avri Jaguar pickups / claw Qs also

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Fitting some avri Jaguar pickups / claw Qs also

Post by othomas2 »

So, I've got some avri pickups on there way to put in my CIJ Jaguar

When I removed the original CIJ pup years I desoldered them from the base of the pickup... so it'd make for easier pickups changes in future. I would simply just re-solder the wires that are there to the new wires from the new p/up. This way I wouldn't need to mess with the soldering fiddly switches etc.

So there is a black / white cable (neck) and black / yellow cable (bridge) accessible for each pickup connected to the guitar... If I simply just solder black to black and white to yellow / white to white, I'm assuming that'd be right ?

On a separate note shall I orientate the pickups so the claws are like these from the past ... ?
Offset link- ... 29&t=18371

or the more modern (accidental ?) orientation with the recesses on the treble side ?

Will it make any difference at all ? which ways do the american reissues face ?

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Post by othomas2 »

Knowing where to wire is no problem....

I'm been reading up, additional Pickup cable length could be a prob, right ? RF interference etc.

Which ways should I orientate the claws ?