here is what has happened so far:
Now, things to think about/shortscale to chip in about...
Colour: The guitar came in either Red like mine or sort of vintage white/cream. I hate red guitars so that is not for me. I do like the look of the white ones but I've already got a white eppi SG and a 'desert sand' Baja tele and I'm not sure I want to be the white guitar guy (if/when I get a jazzmaster it will definitely be white so that's 3 white slots taken)
I'm thinking something obnoxious, Comp orange with matching head stock? FrankenBullet?
Pickups: The guitar had mustang pickups from the factory, god only know where they are now. So options are SD antiquities (I'm crazy about the duo sonic ones I put in my last project), or some random fender mustangs off ebay, or just something hot cheap and nasty. At the moment I'm favouring the hot and nasty option.
Guard/bridge.. I've found a Uk website that make custom guards including metal ones, for ok money, If they will do the bullet bridge in a guard thing, that might be cool..Otherwise, convert to string through plus strat bridge vs top loading strat bridge. Either way I'll need to sort a new guard.
More pictures after I sand off the rest of the body and start to paint.