Two pedals.

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Post by Rhysyrhys »

I would do with the Stress FX BMP because it's far beyond awesome and the MBM Crunchbox/Saltbooster. Provided the amp has a reverb and a switchable gain stage.

So: Telecaster (Probably Benecolcaster, because of the awesome GFS filtron) > Stress FX > MBM Dual drive > Blues Junior with a decent set of valves.
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Post by Gabriel »


This is what I've been using lately, rather than a chorus I've been using a fuzz. I've got my Vox on a light overdrive on the top boost so I can clean it up but than I can have bonkers sounds with the fuzz. I use a lot of wah for funk/soul pieces in the set I'm playing in a group at the moment. Plus using it with the fuzz as a filter sounds awesomely zappa/frusciante-esque.

I did a few more tweaks to the morley yesterday, adjusting the inductor and led angle to make it a bit throatier.