Well then as someone of some kind of likely British genetic inheritance you are completely responsible for their actions - so be a good man and get the fuck out of the Aboriginals country yes?[/satire]poorhillbilly wrote:No I just don't like England, at all. And Britain as a whole. Scotland is nice, apart from the Rangers fans and the racist Nazi Unionists, never been to Northern Ireland or Wales.
Well Britain are responsible for murdering the Aboriginals.
We'd probably let you back in over here in Britain because we're okay like that. Dick.
OH WOW, I SEE YOU MAKE AN EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN TWO COMPLETELY UNRELATED THINGS TO SUPPORT YOUR POINT - I SEE YOUR LOGIC! HOW COULD I BE SO STUUUUUPID?! Dick.poorhillbilly wrote:Germany can't even control an Cucumber epidemic, god knows what their tuners are like.
Aye some are. DS1 is pretty yawnola though but each to their own - if you like it then cool. Still a dick thoughpoorhillbilly wrote:Roland Pedals are great.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOOOOOOOOOU DICKpoorhillbilly wrote:Vibramate will not work. cavity remember. big fuckoff springs?
That being said i actually really like the look of the Wigsby and don't think the Bigsby would be any especial aesthetic improvement so well done you it does look good. So minus one 'Dick' insult for that.
I subtract another 'Dick' insult here as I agree with you entirely. So that makes a sum total of two whole 'dicks'.poorhillbilly wrote:Laugh at Rolf Harris, but he did invent the Wobbleboard, which is a tad bit cooler than the Vibramate.