Not a 350 exactly,they didn't make them yet. I wanted a "3/4" Rickenbacker like John Lennon had. Of course I know now that guitar is a 325 but back then all I knew was that it was a "3/4" Rickenbacker.lorez wrote:i understand the love for the 330 but I'm also in agreement with you on that flame top on the LP
But what made you want the 350 at the age of 10?

Six years ago when my guitar obsession started one of the first guitars I bought was 325c58.

Later I had a 325v63

a 320 and 325c64

But I decided I couldn't make a shortscale Rickenbacker my main guitar so I tried a 350v63. It has the 3/4 body with a full scale neck

Still that one wasn't right It wasn't until I found the 350 Liverpool that I realized I had found the perfect "3/4 Rickenbacker (for me) because this guitar has the 3/4 body with a longer neck but it has the same pickup spacing as the 325.

The other thing cool about this 350 is the color. It's the only white one that I have seen besides Susanna Hoffs.