old hi fi equipment new use...

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The Oppressor
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old hi fi equipment new use...

Post by dezb1 »

I was reading a post on another forum about a guy using an old teac tape deck as a distortion / fuzz

So in a similar vain...

I have a Sansui rg-7 graphic eq that has the best sounding (and looking... ooh swirly) digital reverb I’ve ever heard. It has the benefit of a dedicated guitar input. I’ve been using it as a way to put my guitar through old hi fi amps when recording for years, as you get a different sound depending on whether you’re going through the tape, phono, tuner or CD input haven’t done the tape deck fuzz but this is also a good sounding bit of kit. anyone else got any old hi fi gear lurking in the studio?

Ps: this one isn't mine just pics from the net but mine is the exact same.
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Post by Fran »

Look, if its not about a boutique pedal we dont wanna know :lol:

Jus kidding. Cool, i still use old hi-fi gear for vinyl and the Mac is also hooked up through it but i've not tried this kind of thing for years. Reminds me of starting out before i could afford an amp..
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Post by dezb1 »

Aye proper old school me... I started doing this stuff when I was skint. I had the choice of buying an amp or a 4 track, and went for the 4 track as I wanted to record more than play gigs. So having no cash I had to improvise, and my father in-law kindly donated this to my budding studio. And as I said the reverb is fuckin champion.

Fuck boutique! Boutiques are places to buy dresses...
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Post by sp3k »

dezb1 wrote: Fuck boutique! Boutiques are places to buy dresses...
ahah! i thought that was only in portugal! always thought it was stupid calling something boutique....

I've tried connecting a guitar to an old suck ass sony stereo using an ipod touch to connect it, sounded like shit, all "digital" distorted and lots of feedback (kurtz?!?!?). Loved it.
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Post by dezb1 »

I have an old Kenwood 50 watt hi fi amp it has one glorious glowing tube inside it if you plug into the tuner input it sounds glassy and clear, the phono input sounds bassy and the tape input sounds rough as fuck... but in a good way.
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Post by dezb1 »

I thought more folk would be into doing stuff like this to get - mad weird loud sounds. I always get a 'man make fire' sense of achievement when I stumble across a cool sound.
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Re: old hi fi equipment new use...

Post by johnnyseven »

dezb1 wrote:I was reading a post on another forum about a guy using an old teac tape deck as a distortion / fuzz
I believe Richie Blackmore used to do this to get his Deep Purple tonez.
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Re: old hi fi equipment new use...

Post by 24HRS2MDNT »

johnnyseven wrote:
dezb1 wrote:I was reading a post on another forum about a guy using an old teac tape deck as a distortion / fuzz
I believe Richie Blackmore used to do this to get his Deep Purple tonez.
Guitar -> line in -> out of Ghetto Blaster = radio sound perfection

Have tinkered like this in the past but just don't want to deal with the mess anymore.
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Post by rps-10 »

I've rewired cassette player heads in the past to an input jack to have a little boombox amp. Any time i've plugged a guitar direct into a bit of stereo/HiFi equipment it's sounded crap.
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Post by dezb1 »

rps-10 wrote:I've rewired cassette player heads in the past to an input jack to have a little boombox amp. Any time i've plugged a guitar direct into a bit of stereo/HiFi equipment it's sounded crap.
I used to use one of those old tape recorders with the built-in speaker-Mic to record acoustic guitars but it broke long ago and the new ones dont work the same way.

I think the guy who produces Elbow does this...
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Post by Delirium »

Well that's pretty damn cool if I do say so myself. Demos!