Doog wrote:Westtexas, how much time do you actually spend playing versus looking online for new guitars?
excellent question. And didn't you say in another thread recently that you only know like 2 chords? Spend a little more time playing guitars instead of trading guitars.
WTR provides a nice contrast to the WHICH OF THESE SIMILAR FUZZ PEDALS SHOULD I BUY style threads, and does it cheerfully and with some nice historical references. Lay off.
Doog wrote:Westtexas, how much time do you actually spend playing versus looking online for new guitars?
excellent question. And didn't you say in another thread recently that you only know like 2 chords? Spend a little more time playing guitars instead of trading guitars.
As Lou Reed once said:
"One chord is fine. Two chords is pushing it.Three chords and you're into jazz."
arcadedave wrote:WTR provides a nice contrast to the WHICH OF THESE SIMILAR FUZZ PEDALS SHOULD I BUY style threads, and does it cheerfully and with some nice historical references. Lay off.
"My songs, they have just the one chord, there's none of that fancy stuff you hear now, with lots of chords in one song. If I find another chord, I leave it for another song."
-Junior Kimbrough
lorez wrote: I'm a fuzz lover so my clean is another man's crunch
Westy, no. It's a big downgrade in playability and quality control for the sake of some [boring] paintjob and a bigsby. Get a Les Trem if you must.
And who cares what people on shortscale think about the finish of your Les Paul? That's like styling your beard to please another man.
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"
paul_ wrote:Westy, no. It's a big downgrade in playability and quality control for the sake of some [boring] paintjob and a bigsby. Get a Les Trem if you must.
And who cares what people on shortscale think about the finish of your Les Paul? That's like styling your beard to please another man.
Thanks Paul. I was only half serious. The only real reason I think about selling the "berst" is because I feel guilty for having spent so much on it. It's really a great guitar and I think it looks cool. Pretty close to the real thing.
I like the burst LP, but if you feel you have too much money in your guitars, then that's a different question entirely and one that only you can answer.
westtexasred wrote: The only real reason I think about selling the "berst" is because I feel guilty for having spent so much on it.
I feel the same way about mine.... do I really need a guitar thats worth so much?...probably not...... I feel more comfortable playing a beater too.... The only reason I have not sold mine already is cuz I got such an unbelievable deal that it really did not put me out much more than any of my other more reasonably priced guitars..... I know I could make a nice penny if I sold it thou
lorez wrote: I'm a fuzz lover so my clean is another man's crunch