So I was sort of half-heartedly looking into a single-ply no bevel tort guard for my DC project, like the one on this guitar:
They're not easy to find, nor is single-ply tort (that looks remotely good) really easy to find, plus I suck at making pickguards (that look pro), so I was constantly thinking of ways to
cheat. Some time ago I was buying up pickguard plastic and ordered a sheet of self-adhesive swirly tortise acoustic pickguard material from GPR, but they sent me 3-ply economy tort by mistake, so after a bit of wait I ended up with all kinds of crap: tele blackguard sheet, traditional crap tortise, and this acoustic tort stuff. My original plan was to cut a copy of my thick black DC guard (which got warped in the heat of the 4th of july and is looking shit) and then adhere the acoustic tort on top. After looking at the tortise I began to realize that the black under it was going to look awful and cheap.
So I did something kind of strange, I cut the material in half and made two guards at once, perfectly mirrored, then stuck them back to back to thicken them up. The acoustic material was so thin that I just cut it with scissors. It was still pretty flimsy as a 2-ply but I went "this'll sort of work, I guess, and who knows, maybe the layering of the two tort patterns will make it look---[holds it up to the light]
Just about crapped myself. This guard is not ready for primetime but I'm definitely ordering more of that stuff and making one with a bit more care.