My Jag build has a tremolo problem. It's a Guitar Mill body and AVRI trem. Symptom is that it feels like the back of the trem plate is hitting the edge of the tremolo route. The problem is that I think I've sanded the edge of the route enough so that the plate should not be hitting i, and the corners are squared off. If I loosen the trem spring, attach the trem, and try pressing down on the arm, it seems to operate fine. However when I string the guitar up to standard tuning, I have the problem again. I really have to push/pull on the arm to get the plate to move and the plate does not return to the zero point. I've gone though the sand, screw in trem, string guitar up cycle a few times.
Is there a way to determine if the plate will clear the route without having to string the guitar each time?
Any tips on how to see where the trem plate is hitting the trem route?
Are there any trem defects that could cause the same symptoms? Does it sounds like it's definitely a problem with the route?
These are the best pics I could take of the route: