A chance to not only see some of your fave (ehhhh) Shortscaler rock-n-rollers live again, but also see some other utterly stonking rock bands in action.
Black International: Stewart and Gavin's dulcet-toned post-rock love machine
Casa Bonita: myself and pal James giving birth to wonky riff children over a 20 minute period
Fashoda Crisis: Essex's bile-spitting trio in rare London show, Mclusky & Fugazi meets Charlie Brooker's brain, onstage banteriffic
Strange News From Another Star: one of Cardiff's finest, featuring Jimmy Watkins from Future Of The Left and MARC FOLEY; the man homaged in FOTL's own Manchasm
A Englishman, a Welshman and a Scotsman walk into a bar... AND ROCK THE FUCK OUT
The Urban Bar, opposite Whitechapel Station, E1 1BJ
£6 / £4 for first 20 people through the door, or those with NUS cards or fliers (to follow)
Saturday 24th September, 8-11:30pm
Black International / Casa Bonita London show! Sat. Sep 24th
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