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how's cs-3 and lpb1 treating u? i heard from other forums i visited, they are hissy.othomas2 wrote:Current setup is pretty much doing it for me...
Still have a hankering for a chorus or tremolo but I don't think it'd get much use.
Pretty content right now.
Thom wrote:ITT: ultra makes everyone jealous of his gear and musical skills...well if not everyone, me for sure!
Cheers, Thom.
There was a part during each concert where we'd talk using the 2nd lowest of the 5 Korean speech forms, in familiar banmal speech, joking with the audience during the middle of song, segaji soweon (three wishes) . I often said that my first wish of all has always been to at least know how to properly play one instrument. The truth is I'm barely familiar with any of them, though 27 years on the trumpet has made it kind of the exception...I'm just grateful that my vain collection has been in good use and has bolstered the income from time to time.

And +1 on the POG. I'm pretty much sure that a good number of curious bassists and guitarists alike will discover otherworldly uses for the thing in due time.
My Micro POG for one is an essential part of my bass playing, either for enhancing picked and chorus'd The Cure/PeterHook space outs up the neck (the POG is naturally digitally sterile/metallic sounding), or blasting audiences playing in 5ths when either overdriven or fuzzed out with the Prescription Electronics Depth Charge.
My Micro POG for one is an essential part of my bass playing, either for enhancing picked and chorus'd The Cure/PeterHook space outs up the neck (the POG is naturally digitally sterile/metallic sounding), or blasting audiences playing in 5ths when either overdriven or fuzzed out with the Prescription Electronics Depth Charge.
In light of the POG talk, I figured I'd post my current board.

Top row: Boss RE-20 Space Echo, EHX Small Clone, EHX Stereo Pulsar, EHX Memory Toy (for the Moog)
Bottom row: EHX Bass Big Muff Pi, Lovepedal Les Lius, EHX POG2, Sonic Research ST-200
I run either a CP Jaguar or CP Jazzmaster (both with AV '62 pickups in place of the shit-hot stock guys) through this board into the Vibrato channel of my trusty '73 Fender Vibrosonic utilizing an Acoustic B410 bass cabinet and it's absolutely killer. I run a Moog Little Phatty through the Memory Toy into the Normal channel on the Vibrosonic, which is why the spacing is so odd. The spacing next to the BBM acts as a foot rest so I can engage the Space Echo easily. The BBM in Dry mode is fantastic, as it acts as a blend between dry signal and fuzz, so I use it as an extra ass-kicker for certain parts.
It has taken a bit of getting used to with this setup—I've had to compromise my guitar tone a bit—but I can easily kill the bass player when I kick the POG2 on, or drop an octave on the Moog. I'm still working on this to help lighten the load on my back and my vehicle.
Anyway, back to the Micro POG/POG2. I owned the Micro POG for about a month before the POG2 was unveiled and I loved it. It uses the same polyphonic algorithm as the POG2, but at the cost of a few features that probably don't matter to a lot of folks. I only opted for the POG2 because PGS had a $50 coupon code very shortly after the POG2 came out and I felt the extra money was worth the extra POG2 features. I loved it when I was just a regular guitar player, but now that I have access to a criminal amount of low end, I have to say it really sounds amazing. If you're a guitar player trying to fill out the lower register a little bit, you can get a bass cab and a POG2 for less than the psychological cost of an entire bass player.

Top row: Boss RE-20 Space Echo, EHX Small Clone, EHX Stereo Pulsar, EHX Memory Toy (for the Moog)
Bottom row: EHX Bass Big Muff Pi, Lovepedal Les Lius, EHX POG2, Sonic Research ST-200
I run either a CP Jaguar or CP Jazzmaster (both with AV '62 pickups in place of the shit-hot stock guys) through this board into the Vibrato channel of my trusty '73 Fender Vibrosonic utilizing an Acoustic B410 bass cabinet and it's absolutely killer. I run a Moog Little Phatty through the Memory Toy into the Normal channel on the Vibrosonic, which is why the spacing is so odd. The spacing next to the BBM acts as a foot rest so I can engage the Space Echo easily. The BBM in Dry mode is fantastic, as it acts as a blend between dry signal and fuzz, so I use it as an extra ass-kicker for certain parts.
It has taken a bit of getting used to with this setup—I've had to compromise my guitar tone a bit—but I can easily kill the bass player when I kick the POG2 on, or drop an octave on the Moog. I'm still working on this to help lighten the load on my back and my vehicle.
Anyway, back to the Micro POG/POG2. I owned the Micro POG for about a month before the POG2 was unveiled and I loved it. It uses the same polyphonic algorithm as the POG2, but at the cost of a few features that probably don't matter to a lot of folks. I only opted for the POG2 because PGS had a $50 coupon code very shortly after the POG2 came out and I felt the extra money was worth the extra POG2 features. I loved it when I was just a regular guitar player, but now that I have access to a criminal amount of low end, I have to say it really sounds amazing. If you're a guitar player trying to fill out the lower register a little bit, you can get a bass cab and a POG2 for less than the psychological cost of an entire bass player.

I love my POG-2, though my reason for getting it is more to do with the amount of table top noise/drone/shouting at people type gigs I do as well as the rockin'avj wrote: Anyway, back to the Micro POG/POG2. I owned the Micro POG for about a month before the POG2 was unveiled and I loved it. It uses the same polyphonic algorithm as the POG2, but at the cost of a few features that probably don't matter to a lot of folks. I only opted for the POG2 because PGS had a $50 coupon code very shortly after the POG2 came out and I felt the extra money was worth the extra POG2 features. I loved it when I was just a regular guitar player, but now that I have access to a criminal amount of low end, I have to say it really sounds amazing. If you're a guitar player trying to fill out the lower register a little bit, you can get a bass cab and a POG2 for less than the psychological cost of an entire bass player.
Having a slider in front of me for each octave just works out well for knowing exactly what you're doing, plus the attack, lowpass filter and detune are all fun additions.
I haven't used the preset saving yet though, maybe once I do a band where I'm gonna arse about with more than one / not fidget (highly doubtable)
To be honest, I find the presets to actually be a bit of a motherfucker. It's incredibly hard to tell which one you're on when you're on a dark stage, so I staggered mine to allow me to tell where I am when I need. I pretty much use only one, and I keep the sliders right where they should be for the preset in case I accidentally trounce the left switch.
Haha, I love doing that: it's best when they're not glitchy because it sounds "normal" but inherently weird at the same time.aen wrote: DUDE you should pitch shift up an octave, then down one, then up one, then down one, then up one. It will sound just like you played it the first time, but LATER.
Lolz @ Andi, gotta love the 'Berg.
They're both fine for me... but I reckon they could be quite fussy pedals, especially with who they accompany.AaronGuitarDude wrote:how's cs-3 and lpb1 treating u? i heard from other forums i visited, they are hissy.othomas2 wrote:Current setup is pretty much doing it for me...
Still have a hankering for a chorus or tremolo but I don't think it'd get much use.
Pretty content right now.
The more you sustain the cs3 the louder the hiss, which I think is part and parcel with this type of effect. I use it about 1 oclock and its great.... any higher and it'll start to generate more noise.
I've heard a lot of noise issues reported with EHX. Although the LPB doesn't cause me issues at all I recently removed a memory toy which didn't get on too well with the loop station that sat next to it.
I've heard the loop station can be a noisy unit too so who's at fault ? They just don't like each other !!
SO yeah, If you considering a purchase it I would try them out with the pedals you have already just to be sure.
Hahaha, do it! I'm all about the 'Tube Drive' model; I generally have the first one set up as slightly "breaking up", and then stick another one after it for TEH ROCKZ, they stack really well.AaronGuitarDude wrote:i love the Muff Pi and the classic distortion (RAT). they are great. ur board might inspired me to copy u lulzDoog wrote:Nah man, from the M9!
It's not everyone's 'cup of tea', but it's working just great for me; especially for heavy stuff.
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New speakers ended up requiring a new speaker baffle. The old baffle was falling apart, and the person who put the Celestion Modern Lead 70s in made it so it was impossible to remove cleanly. Mojotone (Weber) AV12C and Jensen C12Q sound much better with the Bandmaster. Also recently decided to test a JJ 12AT7 and JAN-Philips 12AT7 since they were only $10. The old JAN-Philips won out and made the amp much smoother and warmer. I don't think the JJ tube was balanced, even though it was supposed to be. The amp now sounds like I thought it always should