Conversion neck, that means I could just buy one of those bitches and slap the neck on a hacked up Peavey body that I have instead and have it be a shortscale??
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
Pens wrote:Conversion neck, that means I could just buy one of those bitches and slap the neck on a hacked up Peavey body that I have instead and have it be a shortscale??
Depending on the bridge, yes it should work. conversion necks usually take a bit of adjusting, but with a some travel in the saddles it should work.
Cool. I need to email them and ask if they can sell the non-pink one outside of that package deal. I don't want that pink headstock. The Peavey was a strat copy so it ought to go right on.
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
Similar to louis, I use an Vista Jagmaster with the strap button behind the neck and have no problems with it. I get by without going up too high on the fretboard, and there isn't really too much neck dive with the button behind the neck. I paid £150ish (it's white) a few years ago, and they can be had for under £250 relatively often on eBay.
Supersonic's a more obvious choice.
PLEASE!!!... Tell Me About the Fuckin' Golf Shoes!
cur wrote:You can always get one of these as a starting point. Can customize all you want. $79 us.
Fuck fuckity I want that. In left hand version so I can be tiny handed metrosexual white Hendrix. I really fucking would if the shipping to UK weren't more than the cost of the guitar.
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