Question on Jaguar Pickups (and pickguards)

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Question on Jaguar Pickups (and pickguards)

Post by Kyle »

I have a 94-96 MIJ Jaguar that I intend to switch the pickups out on. They just arent hot enough for my liking, so was always set on a set of AVRI Jag pickups just to get that extra bite.

A set of Classic Player single coils have come up for sale recently, and I'm wondering just how much of a difference there would be between these and the AVRI's. Anyone know what differences I will be looking at?

Also, I'm looking to get a replacement pickguard for the Jag. I see alot of CIJ guards for sale, but MIJ are quite rare. Is there really a difference between the CIJ layout to a MIJ layout? For screw placement etc?
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Post by honeyiscool »

If you want hot, shouldn't you be looking at the SJAG pickups?
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Post by Kyle »

Dont necesserily want 'hot', just 'hotter' than the MIJ pickups, which are the only downfall of the Jag, along with the rest of the electronics which I also intend to change out.
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Post by Pens »

Yeah, the stock pickups on the MIJ Jags are pretty weak. I swapped mine out too. But I put in singlesize buckers, so I can't comment on your issue.
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Post by Thomas »

The AVRI/MIM ones will do you fine if you're looking for a basic "proper" Jaguar sound. I popped a set in My MIJ Jag before I sent it cos I was putting the 1/4 pounders in my '64 and I was well impressed with them.
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Post by othomas2 »

I swapped out the stock Japanese pickups for avri and wasnt impressed at all, the bridge p/up was so trebly & the neck very wooly & bass heavey. I do actually like the mim jag pickups... They are hotter, Quite mid heavy but work well for more modern & current music. I Personally like the japanese jag neck Pickup but swapped out the bridge for a cool rails humbucker. I would strongly recommend giving the cool rails a try if you like aspects of both single / humbucker.
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Post by Thomas »

I thought the AVRI and MIM Jag pickups were the same part...?
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Post by hotrodperlmutter »

no way. the CP pups are a lot more rounded and hotter than avri. i think avj did a nice wordy workup of the differences.

i'll have a look for that thread.
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Re: Question on Jaguar Pickups (and pickguards)

Post by Loco3 »

Kyle wrote:A set of Classic Player single coils have come up for sale recently, and I'm wondering just how much of a difference there would be between these and the AVRI's. Anyone know what differences I will be looking at?
I put an AVRI neck p/up in my CP because I found the CP too woolly, the rhythm circuit was unusable, it was a vast improvement, although because the CP p/up reads 13.18k ohms and
the AVRI reads 6.8k, I thought I'd have to set it higher... not so, the av is just as loud, just clearer.

I just swapped my CP bridge p/up ( 14.55 k) for an avri too, another huge difference, only this time one I wasn't so sure about.

The avri is cleaner, clearer, more open sounding, a little ice-picky, even with my pio cap and all vint cloth wiring, need to roll the tone back a little more, made the 2 p/up tone beautiful... BUT... I play mainly gritty spaguetti western music, and almost preferred the CP, but the avri just needed to be set a bit higher, I just tweaked a 1/4 turn until I hit the sweet spot, definitely worth the effort, but now I've heard it I'm considering a Pickup Wizard set and be done with it.

The type of music you play will have a great bearing on whether one or the other (or boutique) is better for you.
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Post by blankfield »

I recently replaced the pickups in my LE MIJ Jag with replacements from The Pickup Wizard. Huge improvement from stock. I can finally use the full range of the tone and volume knobs and pickup selectors without fear of spikiness or muddiness. They really are great. From straight clean to highly effected they really do shine.

Make sure you buy them on ebay from the pickup wizard himself. Aside from used, it will garner the best price.
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Post by avj »

As hotrod said, the stock Classic Player Jag/Jazz pickups are nothing like the AVRIs. To put it simply, it's approximately the difference between something awesome and something that gives you cancer. My excessive hate-spew on the CP pickups can be found here:

Great, cheap upgrade for the CP Jaguar...

I ended up sending a set of both to serfx for nothing, and ate the shipping cost to boot. As I said to start that post off, I tend to shy away from voicing strong opinions here -- but I have resolved to take a giant steamer on those pickups any time they're discussed. If you want something hotter than the AVRI pickups, get some SD Quarter Pounders or Hot Rails and don't even waste the time trying the CPs.
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Post by Kyle »

Thanks for the replies. It was only because I had the chance to buy the classic players pups that I asked, as I did have my heart set on AVRI, but meant importing them from the states.

I have bit the bullet, went for the AVRI's and 2x 1 meg pots and vintage wire, so the transformation shall begin.

Quick question, what value cap should I go for? Im used to rewiring tele's, first time Jag modder.