For a while now, I have been wanting to make a smaller pedalboard because my big pedalboard is too heavy to cart back and forth from my Church gig. I wanted a small portable board I could easily carry. So I was in Guitar Center yesterday and they had the Pedaltrain minis on clearance so I snagged one
Pedalboard pics.
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Current Pedal board
I want to pickup some smaller footprint pedals to maximize the space. I might be able to get 5 or 6 pedals depending on what I buy. I am planning to buy as many of the pedals used to keep costs down. I already have a One Spot and hopefully can just use a daisy chain to power them all.
I have a tentative pedal list( with retail prices) based on what I already have. Not really settled on what OD pedal I want to use yet I need to pair this list down to fit the board.
Boss TU-2 or TU-3 ($99)
TC Polytune ($99)
EHX Worm XO (24 volt) ($103.50)
Neo Clone ($70)
Neo Mistress($82)
Small Stone $78
Vibrato pedal ?
Update on the pedal board progress. I have been scouring Craigslist in an attempt to populate my pedalboard and I finally scored my first two pedals.
I scored a BOSS TU-2 tuner for $50 and I found a EHX Memory Boy for $65. I was trying to find a Memory Toy for the smaller footprint, but everyone was wanting $90 (almost new price) for it.
I love the BOSS TU-2 because I can daisy chain everything off of it. Any problems daisy chaining other non-BOSS 9 Volt pedals from this? I will post photos later After I pick up the pedals.
Update: I traded a pedal and got a EHX Neo Clone. Still want to get the EHX Nano Stone but have not found one yet.
I snagged my MBM Saltbreaker/Saltbooster from my Big board to serve as Overdrive/Booster pedal for now. Might eventually get an OCD or something else but this will do for now
I need to get a custom cable kit to make some custom length jumpers for the pedal boards.
New Pedaltrain Mini ( Boss TU-2 -> MBM Saltbreaker/Saltbooster ->EHX Neo Clone ->EHX Memory Boy)
Both Boards
I got my last pedal for the board today. I bought a EHX Nano Small Stone from Nick. I need some screws and jumpers and this will be done. I will also have to get my own Tubescreamer to replace the one I am borrowing. I am amazed how quickly I was able to gather the pedals used off CL and Shortscale. Every pedal is used except the Neo Clone. Maybe I could swing for a MBM Tube Screamer at some point.
I need to buy a custom cable kit (probably a George L or Lava Kit) to dress out everything properly.
i used to have a pedaltrain jr. but it got too small and also wasn't gigging much at the time so i sold it, and starting using my electro harmonix gigbag pedalboard again which is a little bit bigger and kept some pedal on the side.
now though..i'm looking at a diago showman (tour man wil be too big i reckon) but i like the diago's, waiting for my end of month pay though as i have a few other GAS things on the waiting list too (small bedroom valve amp, cable kit for the board, rack stand) ...ohdear.
i'm sure as soon as i have a big pedalboard again i'll have phases of going back to less is more..always happens..and then crave pedal overload again. i think we're all stuck in that cycle. haha.
Thom wrote:Nice little board. I had a small stone and small clone on my big board for a long time. How does the neo clone compare to the full size one?
Pretty close if not identical. I may do a pedal shootout between them soon because I have not seen a good one on youtube.
One thing that always happens when I engage my SCC for the first time after turning on my pedalboard is a popping noise and the Neo Clone does the same thing!
I highly recommend it. It doesn't have the cool mojo box like the SCC, but its small and uses a standard 9V adaptor.