... 0301226541

The current Vintage Modified Stratocasters seem to be around £239.
This is a stroke of genius. I fucking love Black/Black 70s Strats.
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Well not really, they're making guitars that kinda look like '50s-'70s Fenders but with circa '80s/'90s appointments.mrperson wrote:Squier is coming up with some top designs at the moment.
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"
Aha I realised that after I posted itpaul_ wrote:Well not really, they're making guitars that kinda look like '50s-'70s Fenders but with circa '80s/'90s appointments.mrperson wrote:Squier is coming up with some top designs at the moment.