Pedal board downsizing

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Freddy V-C
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Pedal board downsizing

Post by Freddy V-C »

When I first came here my 'pedal board' consisted of an MXR GT-OD and the foot switch for my amp. In the meantime it has been through many incarnations, and almost consistently each incarnation has been bigger than the last, leading up to this point:


It isn't enourmous, but I'm starting to wonder whether I actually need everything on there. For instance, the Behringer Super Fuzz seems to cover almost all of my distortion needs, making three of those pedals a little bit redundant. I'm pretty certain that the GT-OD will be coming off the board, and the Shiva and the 2ADD might soon follow. If I do end up expanding again it will probably be for a wider variety of effects, rather than more overdrives, fuzzes etc...

I don't need the money, so does ShortScale suggest that I sell pedals I'm not using, or that I keep them in a drawer for a rainy day?

If I do get any more pedals, the first thing I'll look at is an analogue delay of some sort. So what's good and cheap?
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Post by Hurb »

if you don't need the money keep them. you never know what gear you get in the future that may work better with the pedals you but aside. I miss everything I have sold on even when I haven't used them in months/years.
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Post by Freddy V-C »

That's what I'm thinking, I just don't like to be a hoarder... haha.
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Post by Gabriel »

Its probably best hanging on to them, but I always sell what I don't use, and then spend that money on something else - the cycle is never ending (unless I have something I can't shift, e.g. 1x12 cab).
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Post by lorez »

Keep if you don't need the cash, you never know when they will be useful as hurb said with new gear or when you are recording
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
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Post by Fran »

Rainy day them Freddy, i've still got around 40 pedals in the house and dont use any of them in the band. They're still good fun to get out now and then though at home.
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Freddy V-C
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Post by Freddy V-C »

Recording is a good point. In a live setting it just seems pointless having all these different distortions when barely anyone can tell the difference anyway.

I might be joining a band playing bass soon, so I guess excess pedals might end up on a seperate bass pedal board!
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Post by johnnyseven »

If you like how they sound, keep them. If not sell them on.
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Post by mastermorya »

Your best for a good and cheap analog delay is the MXR Carbon Copy.

I wouldn't get rid of any of your pedals unless you can easily get them back. When I got a fancy delay pedal, I sold my holy grail nano to free up funds for some other stuff, but I'm confident I can get another holy grail for what I sold it for if I change my mind, because that pedal is practically a commodity. Something like the Shiva Fuzz is probably less easily bought back if you change your mind.
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Post by gypsyseven »

I totally understand your point of view...
I had way too far pedals and right now it´s just my tuner, MAxon OD-808, Ibanez TS-9, MXR CArbon Copy and a KLon Centaur clone.That´s it and to be honest, the OD-808 is the only dirt box that have on my board right now......

More time to play than to set up pedals for this and that....
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Freddy V-C
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Post by Freddy V-C »

I think I've decided that the GT-OD, Shiva and 2ADD are all coming off my board. Thinking about it I could get by with just the Super Fuzz, DD3 and tuner, but the Tuna Melt and Doctor Q are fun to have. I'm gonna put the Shiva and 2ADD aside for a potential bass pedal board. I'm unsure of what to do with the GT-OD, considering selling it.
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Post by Nick »

I've had the same amount of pedals on a board at once, and now I just have my tuner, germanium4 BMP (double pedal I guess cause of overdrive + fuzz), and amp footswitch for reverb/tremolo.

I tend to sell what I'm not using because it leads to me tinkering and switching out pedals more than I play, but the money WAS a nice incentive, pretty sure I eventually used it to fund whatever I have now in a roundabout sort of way, which is a good thing.

That having been said, if you don't need the money but you have stuff you don't use any more (and if it's out of production), just check their values on eBay frequently, because old pedals are one of those things that can skyrocket in value overnight based on any number of things, then sort of plateau or drop in price once demand has been satisfied for a while. Examples of such pedals I've owned were the Zoom Ultrafuzz, Boss PS-3, Vestax MDX, and the Digitech XP100 Whammy Wah. All of those pedals at some point while I owned them were worth way more than I paid for them, and have since dropped in price. If you have gear like that and play it right you can sell high then buy low again if you're in no rush.
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Post by gypsyseven »

Nick wrote:......germanium4 BMP (double pedal I guess cause of overdrive + fuzz)....

Wow, just watched this video and i´m really impressed.This pedal would give me everything i need from a single dirt pedal....
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Post by Nick »

I won't say it's the end all solution to everyone's dirt needs, but it works for me-I've had mine for over a year and I'm still happy with it. The distortion side also sounds wicked on bass for DFA1979 type stuff too so I can use my same pedalboard (hypothetical pedalboard, with only a dirtbox and my tuner I've been too lazy and poor to set one up)
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Freddy V-C
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Post by Freddy V-C »

Here it is, all naked. Let's see whether I miss those other pedals.


Now I just need to find my electrical tape to seal off the other power tips so that it won't short circuit...
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Post by cobascis »

I miss the shiva. Also do you usually us Fuzz #2?